Sunday, 15 July 2012

3 weeks old

It is hard to believe how much has changed in these past few weeks.  From being very large and uncomfortable to now being relatively mobile and comfortable considering I have recently had a fairly major surgical procedure.  We have also gone from being a cosy family of 3 to a much larger family of 6.  It is also incredible the changes that we have seen in Addison, Spencer and Hudson.  To see them all on oxygen in isolettes and at times on CPAP and under lights and looking so skinny after they lost 10ish% of their birth weights - Hudson was a bit more than this.  To now seeing them all breathing on their own and now having the ability to regulate their own body temperature. 

When I arrived at the hospital I was very pleased to see all three in an open cot, Spencer and Hudson had been in an open cot for a few days, but Addison has now joined her brothers.  All that has been holding her back is she was that bit smaller from the start. 

Addison now weighs 1740 grams
Spencer now weighs 1935 grams
Hudson now weighs 2020 grams

The two boys (again because they are a bit bigger) have been graded on to 3 hourly feeds, and Addison is still on 2 hourly but I imagine hers will change this week.  They are tolerating their feeds really well and are not spilling at all.  Now that they are beginning to get the sensation of being hungry they are starting to wake up when they are due for a feed so we are lucky enough to see them with their eyes open more often.  Now when I go into the hospital I spend most of my time trying to teach the babies to breast feed.  I manage to get them to attach and depending on how awake and hungry they are they do manage to have a bit of a feed but do tire quickly.  So considering they are not meant to be born yet and are still only 33 weeks gestation they are doing really well.  They had their  routine follow up brain scans this week which didn't show up anything, thankfully.  They were checking for bleeding on the brain which is quite common in premature babies. 

We are still exclusively breastfeeding and are keeping up just fine. The hospital has enough for at least 24 hours in case we are not able to make it one day for whatever reason.   The time I am spending expressing at home gives me a chance to sit quietly and read, 50 Shades of Grey is on the list currently and who knows when I will get a chance to start and finish a book again.  I also read recently how many calories are burnt by breastfeeding and based on that it worked out to a huge 800+ calories per day. 

This has also seen the first full week of me driving to the hospital and back every day.  Luckily Ollie hasn't had to come with me this week as his beautiful Grandma Jen and Poppy have been able to help out and keep him entertained.  But he will be coming down with me most days from now on and playing in the creche at the hospital.  So far I have been going down every day and limiting myself to 2 hours as I am really tired from both still recovering and expressing during the night. 

Oliver has made the transition out into his new bedroom and his 'big boy bed' very easily since I have been home and has been asking to go to the hospital to see "Huds, Spence and Addie" but due to his illness he hasn't been in the past week but will come in for a visit this week with me.  I have also really enjoyed spending some one on one time with him this past week as I really feel like I have missed out on some beautiful time with him these past few months and he is at such a beautiful age.

Lastly here are some photos in order of Addison, Spencer and Hudson

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Two weeks old - Better late than never

It is hard to believe that a while two weeks ago since Addison, Spencer and Hudson entered our lives in such a hurry.  The last week has been fairly drama free for the beautiful trio. 

Each had regained their birth weight by Wednesday and have continued to gain weight steadily since generally averaging about 30 grams per day.  Originally that had been fed expressed breast milk through a nasal gastric tube continually, but now have all been upgraded to two hourly bolus feeds.  This feed is allows gravity to feed it through the tube.  Spencer ended up with the same mystery virus that Hudson had last week so ended up with an iv again for his course of antibiotics. 

The past week I have been staying in a motel close to the hospital to be near our babies and have been spending most days at the hospital.  Unfortunately Mr TAN and Oliver have both been sick this week so from Tuesday on I had no contact with either of them.  Thankfully they are both much better now.  I am finally back at home which is so nice to be back with my boys.  So now the daily commute will start...

Monday, 2 July 2012

A week and a bit on...

Well it has been just over 1 week since we became parents of 4 overnight.  The shock has finally settled and we are all slowly recovering.

I am still a little sore from the ceaseraen, but slowly improving each day.  I personally wouldn't choose to have one again (haha).  Initially the day after birth I had a good 8cm+ of abdominal seperation, which for a few days was quite when I was up moving around.  Today after a quick visit to the hospital physio that has now gone down to only about 3cm, phew!  Since being discharged from the hospital I have been staying in a motel nearby to the hospital to rest up and recover a bit more before heading home.  This has been really nice as I am still extremely tired and I have also wanted to make sure breast feeding is well established. 

I am a big fan of the benefits and the pracicalities of breast feeding and at the moment I am just managing to keep up woth my trio's needs.  Nine days in and between them we are going through 33ml of breast milk per hour and this is increasing almost daily.  Initially my goal is to at least ensure they are exclusively breast fed while they are still in hospital.  I would love to continue this once I get home but I am also a realist, and realise that trying to twin feed 2 babies, and chasing a toddler with one more hungry mouth to feed might not work and be more trouble than it's worth.  At the very least I will endeavour to feed a different baby each feed so they are at least getting 2 one on one cuddles and feed with mummy per day. 

As for the magnificent trio all are generally doing really well.  They were all of the CPAP within a few days, and moved from the NICU to SCBU (special care baby unit).  All have been under lights at least twice but at the moment they are okay.  Again all three are breathing on their own and are not on any oxygen, all are being fed by a continuos syringe through a nasal gastric tube.  Hudson has generally been a few days behind the others as he did not get any surfactant when he was born, but in hindsight probably would have benefited from it.  He also had an umbi line(?) in for a few days so was initially grumpy as he started his food a little later.  All 3 are about 50ish grams off of their birth weight so doing well in that respect.  Poor little Hudson had a little swelling under his chin this morning so had to go back on an iv and have some tests done but all appears to be nothing thankfully. 

Tomorrow they will be 32 weeks gestation and we are hoping to have them all home between 37-40 weeks gestation so sometime in mid to late August.  Mr TAN and I have been overwhelmed with all the love and support people have shown us.  As for their big brother Ollie he is missing not having his mum at home but has still been having some visits with us all and loves patting his sister and brother's heads and holding their hands.  I am looking forward to being home with him next weekend.  I can also see many similarities between all 3 and their big brother including their dad's worry lines that Ollie was also born with, just 3 much smaller versions.

I have had lots of cuddles with all three including lots of skin to skin and including some double cuddles which was the most amazing feeling and I didn't know who to look at.  It will probably be another 2 weeks or so until they are all of their monitors when I can have triplet cuddles. 

Lastly I will leave you with some pics from the last week.

Addison 1 week old

Hudson 1 week old

                               Hudson on left and Spencer on the right Mum's first double cuddle

Spencer 1 week old

                                                 Double cuddle with Spencer (L) and Addison (R).  Lucky Spencer gets all the double cuddles as his cot is in the middle