Wednesday 11 July 2012

Two weeks old - Better late than never

It is hard to believe that a while two weeks ago since Addison, Spencer and Hudson entered our lives in such a hurry.  The last week has been fairly drama free for the beautiful trio. 

Each had regained their birth weight by Wednesday and have continued to gain weight steadily since generally averaging about 30 grams per day.  Originally that had been fed expressed breast milk through a nasal gastric tube continually, but now have all been upgraded to two hourly bolus feeds.  This feed is allows gravity to feed it through the tube.  Spencer ended up with the same mystery virus that Hudson had last week so ended up with an iv again for his course of antibiotics. 

The past week I have been staying in a motel close to the hospital to be near our babies and have been spending most days at the hospital.  Unfortunately Mr TAN and Oliver have both been sick this week so from Tuesday on I had no contact with either of them.  Thankfully they are both much better now.  I am finally back at home which is so nice to be back with my boys.  So now the daily commute will start...

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