Well I must be on a roll tonight but this is something I have been asking myself pretty much for the past few months. How will I do it? How will I feed all 3 babies at the same time, so I am not constantly feeding? How will I settle all these babies, again hopefully at the same time? How will I continue to give Oliver the attention and time that he is accustomed to?
Let's start with the first one. I really have no idea! I love the benefits and lets not forget the convenience of breast feeding, after all there is no washing up but I am missing one boob. Do I twin feed two and somehow prop feed the third with expressed breast milk or formula? Do I just breast feed a different baby every feed and prop feed two babies? The benefit of this is I could still help Oliver read books etc and move about easily if needed. I am hoping I won't need to do too many feeds by myself but the reality also is sometimes I will need to. So really I don't know the answer to this question and will not know until we are living it. So far I am still feeding all three expressed milk but from what i have heard a lot of mothers with triplets are fine while the bubs are in hospital and it falls apart once everyone is home, and that's okay and will not be disappointed if this happens to me as let's be honest I am not Super Woman.
As for settling them, I am not going to have the time or the energy to pat, rock or wear these babies, so yes there is likely to be some screaming from everybody and we will do what we need to do to (hopefully) get everyone for a sleep at the same time. Mr TAN with his work situation is not able to take any extended period of time off of work so although he works from home I will be unable to rely on him for a lot.
Lastly for now Oliver who has our undivided attention for nearly 3 years now. I am hoping that his easy going and loving nature will make this change easy for him and I hope that we still get some of that lovely one on one time that I have been so enjoying these past few months as he has growing into a little boy. Oliver has already told me that Spencer is his favourite and would like to sit next to him in "mum's big bus". He was also quite concerned when we changed Addison's nappy. He looked at me quite complexed and said "Addie's willy gone" after I explained that Addie was a girl like mummy he was quite happy. Then we went on to change Spencer's nappy. Oliver then told me that Spence has a little willy, this soon followed with him telling me that he had a big willy, this followed with "Daddy has a big, big, big willy" needless to say this left my mum, the nurse and I in hysterics. Out of the mouths of babes.....
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