Perhaps what I was trying to say last night didn't come across the way I thought too clouded by fatigue. But after a good nights sleep and a bit of reflection I have more that I wanted to add...
I always knew that it wouldn't be easy having three babies at once and I knew it would have an impact on my life with both the good and the not so good. I didn't think that my babies were going to be difficult to feed, I had wrongly assumed that they would prop feed easily (but they don't at all), I didn't think it would be this tricky to get out and about with them.
Perhaps what I am suffering from is singleton envy... Now correct me if I am wrong for those of you that have had one baby at a time. I had always thought that although one more baby adds a bit more complexity and busyness that you just put the baby in a carrier and away you go without too much interruption to your life's or your other children. Your other children can walk to the car and are a bit more independent, as opposed to having to make 3 trips. As time gets on I am aware that it will get easier in some aspects although I may need to find a way to chase toddlers in three different directions. We are very lucky to have support here during the week while Mr Tan is working and to be honest I don't know what we would do without it. Our help has become a wonderful friend and companion.
What I also forgot to mention last night was that we had another check up with the neonatologist this week and he is really happy with everybody. Addison's umbilical hernia is shrinking away, they are all following their curves on the percentile chart and they can stop taking their vitamins. We also don't need to go back for another 3 months.
Of course it would be hard!!! You are doing a wonderful job!