Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Neonatologist's and Maternal Foetal Medicine

Wow what a day yesterday was!  I was quite nervous heading down to our appointments yesterday with the Neonatologist.  After hearing so much doom and gloom in the early stages of this pregnancy I really wasn't sure what to expect. 

Firstly we had our MFM appointment, this doctor has been present at all of our scans so;
 far and we already have built up a confidence and trust in him.  In fact if it wasn't for his positivity we may have looked more closely at selective reduction.  We did get the chance to ask a few questions that we weren't sure about like if we will get given steroids for the babies lungs routinely, or only if there is a need.  So he explained that unless a situation arises like labour far earlier than 32 weeks then they would probably go ahead.  But from 32 weeks it is not something they would do routinely.  We also got a chance to discuss the option of me being admitted, and the good news is he is happy for me to stay at home for the moment due to all the help I am getting.  However if anything changes, or I need some respite, they are happy to have me admitted for a few days or a week if needed.  Everything else seems to be going splendidly, but he did mention my fast heart rate.  I have noticed this the past few weeks, ever since Baby C has been in my ribs I have been finding it much harder to breathe and in turn my heart is working that bit harder.  So we will see him again tomorrow at the growth scan and see how well these babies are growing.  He is also happy to keep the scans at 3 weekly for now. 

So next up we had our very first appointment with a neonatologist.  This was the one that was worrying me the most but was surprised that I found it quite reassuring and positive.  As this was our first chance to discuss any possible complications and what to expect with having early babies.  One of my concerns was how much we would be able to be involved in their care and how soon I would get to see them after their birth.  But as it turns out I will get to see them briefly as each baby is taken out, again before they get wheeled off, and once more on my way out of surgery.   Again everyone is optimistic that we can and will make it to at least 32 weeks which minimises any complications enormously.  To conclude this appointment we got shown through the NICU and SCBU.  I had seen pictures of tiny little premature babies previously but neither of us had seen these babies in the flesh before.  The were so little and precious, we saw babies at a few different gestation's so it was a really good opportunity to get a picture of what it will be like.  We saw babies that were born at 25, 28 and 32 weeks.  It is amazing to think that tiny little 25 weeker is about the same size as our babies now.  MR Tan was quite surprised at how small even the babies born at 32 weeks were as that is likely what we will at least reach that gestation. 

All in all I feel very confident about the care that we will all be receiving and we are very much looking forward to our triple cuddles sometime in July.  Hard to believe they could be here in as little as 8 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic news. You are handling this pregnancy really well and in some respects you are on the home stretch! Chon x
