Well as another week passes us by and we get another week closer to meeting our trio I realise we still have a lot to do. I am beginning to feel quite useless at home it is getting harder and harder for me to do anything and am relying on Mr TAN or visitors for anything that needs doing.
Mr TAN and I have discussed the home situation and we have decided that if all continues to go well then I will get myself admitted into hospital from 30 weeks. It is getting to the point where I don't feel safe to be left alone with him for a long period of time. This really saddens me as he is at such a beautiful age and is so much fun at the moment and generally quite easy to care for. I just don't have the energy or strength to stand for any length of time and it is recommended that I don't spend more than 30 minutes on my feet in a 2 hour period. He doesn't seem to bothered by it though as he is having a wonderful time each day on his little adventures with various friends and family members, I just wish he was having this much fun with me. Ideally I would like to have everything finished at home and our son settled into his new room before I go into hospital. Which means we still have a lot to work to do
We now have a back door which was stage 1 of getting the house ready, but now need to fill in the cracks and paint the old pantry. Hopefully this week we have a builder coming to put a wall up for Oliver's room so we can then paint and carpet that room and get Oliver's new furniture. Lucky last will be to put up the railings on the deck so it is safe and we don't fall the 2 meters onto the ground. So a lot to do considering how busy Mr TAN is with work, helping me and preparing for his uni exams around the time I go into hospital.
We had our growth scan on Friday and all 3 babies are looking great. They are getting harder and harder to scan though as A is hiding directly behind B and they are very quickly running out of room. I can't remember exact weights but all 3 babies are around the 1 kilo mark now, so B has well and truly caught up to her brothers. We have also been given a whole heap of girls clothes recently so there is very few things that we still need but will be buying 2 more car seats down the track. Well I think that is about all for this week, so until next time....
Just do a shout out if you need anything - particular sizes for example. I dont want to bombard you with useless stuff but i do have lots here. Also I have more frozen meals, for when I next go up to the hills.