Tuesday, 5 June 2012

My second goal!!!

Well today it is official, I have finally reached my minimum gestation goal of 28 weeks!  This also means that I am officially in the third trimester of pregnancy.  Lastly and most importantly I have been told that babies born at this gestation have a 95% chance of survival. 

On Friday night we made a late night dash to hospital as my Braxton Hicks started to become painful and regular.  Luckily it all turned out to be nothing, however they did keep me in for observation and rest until Monday. 

We are still planning on having me admitted to hospital from 30 weeks for a few reasons.  I am finding it harder and harder to cope at home on my own.  So for the next 2 weeks I have someone here permanently to help me.  I am really feeling it now if I do too much and tend to suffer the consequences, which I am sure is the reason why I spent the weekend in hospital.  Mr TAN is also finding it increasingly stressful to have me at home as he is constantly worrying about what I might be doing. 

Being in hospital also made me realise just how hard it will be.  The private hospital which is closer to home and much nicer do not want me there, even if it is just for respite.  The major public hospital where the babies will need to be delivered is busy, much further away from home.  I found I was always hungry, even after each meal.  They also only had food available 3 times a day compared to the nice one which feed you 6 times per day.  Also being a vegetarian the menu options were the same every day,  I also found it really hard to sleep.  I am finding it hard now at the best of times but being on that horrible little bed, with crying babies in other rooms, and being woken up 4 hourly for obs I cam to rely on the Tamazapan they were giving me to help me sleep. 

So apart from the physical discomforts there were the emotional ones.  After Mr TAN left me on Friday night I didn't get to see him again until I came home on Monday afternoon.  I did speak to him a few times but it wasn't the same.  Also over that whole weekend I also only got to see my baby boy for about 15 minutes on the Saturday.  I got to speak to him about twice a day but it just wasn't the same as seeing him and holding him in my arms. 

My weekend away however did bring some advantages.  Mr TAN has managed to finish the construction side of things so that is all now complete, plus he has now made a start on the painting too.  We are hoping the painting will be finished by the weekend so the room will be ready for Ollie before I end up in hospital. 

So I guess at the end of all of this being in hospital will have it's advantages.  It means that each day and week we can keep these 3 precious miracles in utero is a massive plus, and less time they will need in the NICU and SCBU units after birth and the sooner we can bring them home and begin our lives as a family of 6.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you've made it to the 3rd Trimester mummy Parker :)It will be a sad when you're in hospital and not able to hold your 2 men at home but like you said the longer the 3 stay in utero the quicker you'll be back home as a family of 6 :O from 3 to 6! now that is a wonderful miracle :) or should I say 3 miracles ;)
