Friday, 15 June 2012


.Well yesterday was yet another growth scan and I am now 29weeks and 4 days pregnant.  As far as triplet pregnancies go, I guess this has been a fairly boring and complication free one.  The babies are getting harder and harder to scan these days as there is just a giant mass of heads, bodies, arms and legs.  B's head is nestled deep down in my pelvis making it very hard to get her head measurememts, and baby A is still tucked sort of behind B making him hard to get to as well. 

But after waiting for an hour to be taken in for the scan we finally got there and all is well and as I suspected by my growing size and discomfort.  Both of the boys are now weighing around the 1500gm mark, and our little girl is weighing about 1350gm.  The MFM doctor is really happy with how things are going and is confident that we shouldn't have any problems making it to 32-34 weeks.  So if we continue the way things are going all bubs should be around the 2 kilo mark when they arrive. 

In terms of how I am feeling it is getting harder and harder each day that passes.  Walking is becoming quite painful, and my whole body aches.  Even rolling over in bed is getting increasingly difficult and painful.  Now that my belly has started to grow width ways, as well as length it is getting harder to lay on my side and I am now resorting to spending half the night trying to sleep sitting up.  Yesterday morning I woke in the most excruciating pain as either B or C's foot was jammed up high in my ribs under my breast.  I could feel the lump there and had to try to free it.  I am still struggling with breathlessness, even reading a story to Oliver has me puffed out.  In the long run though we are now in the home stretch of this pregnancy and I am being admitted into hospital next weekend.  Every day and week is a bonus and is best for the babies so until then everyone else will need to put up with my complaining.

The stuff around the house is coming together too, Oliver's room is all carpeted and painted and we have the furniture so just need to move him out there and hang the curtains.  There is still a bit of painting to do but there is no real rush.  This week we have also sorted through all the clothes we have been given and boxed them up in the separate sizes ready for use.  So all we really need to do in the nursery is assemble the cots and put up the wall mural that I bought, but there is still plenty of time for that before these babies come home.  We have had so much help and support these past 2 weeks and it has made such a huge difference.  My mum is currently staying with us as I am finding it to hard to find the motivation or energy to even make toast, she will be staying until next weekend to help out until I go into hospital.  As I sit here Mr TAN is about to sit his first exam for uni then he just has one more to sit before he takes the next semester off. 

Well that is all I have to say for now, but will take a new bump pic later as I think it has been a while.

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