Thursday, 7 June 2012

Today's Checkup

Today I had one of my obstetric appointments and all is still going great guns.  Mr TAN has now banned me from driving and everybody has agreed with him much to my disappointment, which I am not complaining about I just don't like being dependant on others. 

I am now measuring 43cm - YIKES!  For those of you who don't know what this means it generally relates to the equivalent of how pregnant you are IE 30cm is 30 weeks pregnant.  The babies are now all between the 50th and 70th percentile, which is fantastic news and I am looking forward to seeing how much they have grown at my next growth scan next week. 

Generally apart from being constantly breathless, headaches, being huge and in pain, the reflux and how squished all my internal organs are now I am feeling pretty good.  My high resting heart rate is still a concern so need to keep an eye on it and watch out for swelling and dizziness.  I have also been told IF I make it to 35 weeks a ceaserean will be scheduled for then, although the way I am beginning to feel already I am not sure if I will make it that far.

I am now finding myself with very little energy and basically just move from the couch to the bed.  Thankfully my mum has moved up to help me as of this week which is making a huge difference.  She has been helping with all the general household chores like cooking, washing and helping to care for Oliver.  With her help I believe I can manage an extra week at home but we will need to play that one by ear.

One thing that I am beginning to have fun with though is the comments I am getting from strangers about the size of my belly.  For example I was browsing in the shop at the hospital and a customer was having a conversation with the lady behind the counter, this is how it went:
Shop Lady "Busy day?"
Customer "Yes, people keep having babies"
Shop Lady "Look at her she is about to have a baby"
Me "I'm about to have 3" this is the fun part
All faces turn to me "3" "your having twins?" "Are they those ivf babies?"
Me "Yes, triplets, yes they are natural ;)"
This was then followed by a whole lot more clucking, this is just one example but it is becoming more of a daily occurrence when I leave the house but it is keeping me entertained....

Are there any other HOM parents out there that have had fun with these kinds of things?

1 comment:

  1. I remember being at the fish & chip shop, would have been about 26 weeks. Not long after id gotten out of jail aka hospital. Someone asked me how long i had to & i replied '3 months', they asked if i was having twins, i said no triplets. Everyones faces priceless.
