Sunday, 9 December 2012

3+++ months (or 5+ corrected)

Hi everyone!  It has been a while between posts as life has been busy and this is my third attempt in as many days as my entries keep disappearing into cyber space. 

My days have been filled with feeding, expressing, household chores, feeding, expressing, playing with Ollie, sterilising etc, etc.  The trio are still feeding mostly 3 hourly during the day which still takes an hour plus a bit longer now that they are starting to spend a bit more time awake.  Then I spend 30ish minutes expressing it doesn't leave much time in between.  The trio are going through nearly half a litre of milk each and every feed so they do get a bit of formula too.  We were very fortunate to have some extra help approved so I now have someone here to help me 8 hours a day 5 days a week, which is brilliant on those days when I need to catch up on some much needed sleep.

We are still feeding through the night sadly although we have started not getting them all up once one wakes now, which unfortunately means I/we are up three times as much.  Addison has proven to be a true champion and will often go through to 5 or 6 am, the boys on the other hand love their food and don't seem as convinced that eating over night isn't necessary.  Mum has still been staying to help me with some of the night feeds during the week which is a massive help.

Our darling son has since turned 3 since my last entry and sadly has started to drop his day time sleep.  I would dearly love for him to toilet train but he is just not ready and has told me it is too hard.  He adores his brothers and sister although we do struggle with how rough he is with them.  We do struggle to keep him entertained whilst we are feeding hence the lack of social outings, which I am missing a great deal.

Addison is such an easy baby and I am sure if all babies were like her, there would be many more babies in the world.  She is very quiet and placid and only cries when she is hungry if she is put down.  The little darling even got forgotten about the other night and eventually fell asleep quietly in her bouncer.  Before we came out and found her and she hadn't made a peep.  She is just now growing into her 000 clothes and is just over the 5 kilo mark now.  So still a lot smaller than her brothers by about 1.5 kilos.

Spencer is a relatively easy baby and is often caught lying in his cot quietly looking around.  He does big goofy gummy smiles and is quite a spunk.  Spencer is quite a rascal to feed and prefers his milk warm and to be walked around the house to drink, which is getting tricky now that he is getting heavier.  Some of the boys 000 clothes they are now growing out of and Spencer has jumped from the 50th to the 60th percentile in recent weeks.

Hudson is still the biggest (just) and half of the time he is a lovely smily, happy, talking, baby and he will often give you a funny wink when he smiles.  Such a flirt!  The other half of the time he will scream like a banshee this awful high pitched scream that goes right through you.  Which he seems to do for a few hours on a nightly basis.  So hopefully he gets over that soon as it is getting kind of tiring, especially when I am after an early night.  Hudson is now somewhere above 6.5 kilos and is somewhere near the 70th percentile.

Mr TAN and I are still amazed at all the love and support we have received from family and friends.  We have been overwhelmed with meals and offers of help, this help has made our journey so much smoother and really cannot thank those people enough for the difference this has made.  Every day I look at my four amazing children and am overwhelmed with love and cannot believe my luck, considering the odds we were given in the start.

I have been connected with an Australian group through Facebook for people with Higher Order Multiples and I am astounded with the odds that most people are given regarding triplet pregnancies and the likelihood of having 3 healthy babies at the end of it.  There was a discusiion recently and it seems most are told they have less than a 30% of having 3 babies at the end of the pregancy.  So I hope those statistics are wrong as there are also so many good outcomes.  So it seems we are very blessed indeed!

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