Well it has been another busy and tiring week here growing babies. We had the follow up to our morphology scan last week and everything was perfect.
This week has been the first week of us calling in all of our support network to help with our little boy and I must say so far it is working really well. He has been having a very busy little social life and comes home to tell me the stories about his adventures. He quite happily toddles off each morning and afternoon with his sitter for the afternoon saying goodbye Mum and gives me a kiss and a wave and is returned to us happy as anything 2-3 hours later. Next week he has some music and movement, as well as a couple of play groups on his calender.
This morning Mr TAN and I had a growth scan to check on each of the babies progress and so far so good. Each of the babies is growing well and measuring about a week to a week and a half instead of dates.
Baby A is weighing in around 470grams,
Baby B is weighing in around 460grams,
and lastly Baby C is weighing in at about 510 grams.
Baby C has always been a bit bigger and B has always been that tiny bit smaller. The general rule is the babies will continue to grow on par with a single baby so it tends to be a combination of their early arrival and if there are any issues ie sharing placentas that then effects their birth weight. At each visit know they also now scan my cervix to make sure it is not getting shorter or starting to dilate, in the Maternal Foetal Health doctor words today he said it was 'beautiful and a rockin cervix' so I guess it can't get better than that.
At our visit last week we were also told that I would likely to be admitted to hospital at 26 weeks, partly because it is such a crucial time in the pregnancy and also due to the hour long drive to hospital. So I was actually beginning to look forward to this to have a bit of rest and relaxation before life gets unimaginably hectic, but today we were told that studies have shown mothers tend to have better outcomes by staying at home for as long as possible. So for now we will wait and see.
I still feel huge and some of the maternity clothes I wore at full term with our son are already becoming quite firm around my belly. A lot of people comment on how 'small' I am but I am not really sure how big people expect me to be, especially considering I am hoping to get another 1 to 1.5 kilos on each of these babies. So I will leave you all with a picture of how small I am.
I think you look fantastic! And about the size I was full term!