Sunday, 26 February 2012

Are they natural?

Are they natural?  This is a question I have been asked so many times in the last few weeks, and I am sure one that will continue to be asked  of me many more times in the months and years ahead. 

Yes we did have to use IVF to conceive our children however I do not see how this is relevant.  At this stage we are led to believe that our triplets will be identical which means the one little embryo split into 3, so nothing to do with the fertility treatment.  

In some countries they will transfer more that one embryo sometimes even 3 or 4, just think of Octomum.  So people quite often end up with triplets or quads, or the other scenario is if people have 2 embryos transferred and 1 of those splits into 2 then you also have triplets. 

People would not normally ask complete strangers how they conceived their children, and I am not sure why people think it is there business.  I don't believe that a mother pregnant with one child would be asked this question, so isn't it a bit rude to ask a mother of multiples?  As I am sure mothers who did conceive their multiples naturally get tired of people asking them the same question too.  Sometimes I do just say no, they are natural as people seem more excited and it is easier to answer all the questions.   

We are honest with friends and family in the hope that one day if perhaps someone is struggling on their journey to conceive a child maybe it will help them.  But for now strangers will get a rude answer to a rude question, perhaps I will just tell them it was S.E.X or a very big dick!  What do you think your reply would be?

Meanwhile here is a picture of my rapidly growing bump at 14 weeks.


  1. "are they natural?"

    "nope, Supernatural!"
    "nope, spawn of satan"
    "nope, its a hysterical pregnancy"
    "yep, three nights, three dads"
    " yep, ask your husband"

    cheeky answers ;)

    Enjoy being able to render the snoops speechless.

    1. Yes thank you all very good reponses, will need to keep them in my bag of tricks :)

  2. i reckon just answer with something really vague like ' ohh yeah, for sure ' or ' okay, thanks for that ' and continue on. they'll probably just think its your baby brain!
    the other thing you could try is asking them ' why do you ask? ' it might make them think abit more about their intentions
