I have been quite slack really when it comes to updating this blog but will try to make more of an effort. I suppose it is because not too much has changed in the past week or so. I am still fighting the exhaustion and thankfully our little Ollie still sleeps for about 2 hours a day so I have been able to manage that as well. I am finding it hard to get comfortable of a night time when I am trying to sleep so toss and turn a lot. I also quite often have a period of about 2 hours around the 2-3am mark where I struggle to get back to sleep. Also it doesn't matter which side I sleep on because there is a baby there waiting to kick me and remind me.
I had a check up with the obstetrician on Friday and all is looking really good. So far my fundal height is measuring 28cm and baby A and B are facing each other on either side below my belly button, baby C is just above my belly button and was facing down to watch his brothers. I am now on 3 weekly scans, and also have 3 weekly doctors appointments in between so all up get to see my baby boys every 10 days or so.
I also have finally started to gain weight. This was something that had been worrying me as I was told to aim to gain between 24-35 kilos this pregnancy to help achieve the healthiest possible weights for these babies. Those of you who know me, now how hard I was working on this to no avail. Well it is finally starting to creep on and have managed to gain a kilo in this past week. I have also been told from 20 weeks that it will pile on quite quickly too.
Another thing the doctor has told me is from 22 weeks I am pretty much not allowed to do anything, which is not so easy with a busy toddler to care for. So I am starting to put plans in place to make our lives easier and his life not too boring. I am already beginning to struggle with chasing after him and entertaining him. I am also finding it really hard to not pick him up when he needs it.
We have slowly started looking at cars that meet our long list of criteria, as for the modifications to the house we are not anywhere near finishing (or starting), although Mr TAN has just employed some more help so hopefully we will be able to get on to it before winter sets in. We still haven't looked at extra cots, linen, car seats any of that essential stuff. Let alone all that nesting and organising I would have normally liked to do. But we will get there eventually.
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